Introduction to GLC
Global Learning Charter School (GLC) is a public charter school committed to offering relevant, personalized learning opportunities to prepare students to be global-ready in work and life. GLC opened in August of 2017. Currently, we serve approximately 420 students in grades K-8.
About charter schools
A charter school is a public school of choice. Charter schools are given more flexibility in meeting district and state expectations. GLC complements VUSD's elementary neighborhood school model by increasing choice for VUSD families. Authorized by the VUSD board, the central office provides infrastructure and financial support to the charter school, while allowing latitude in school programs and organization.
Philosophy of teaching and learning
At GLC, we believe that students learn best when learning is engaging, relevant, and meaningful. We do our best to create learning experiences that allow students to see connections, apply their knowledge, and experience new concepts. Towards this end, the following instructional models are prevalent at GLC:
- Project-Based Learning (PBL)
- Community service and partnerships
- Multi-disciplinary instruction
- Cooperative and cross-age learning
- Student-centered instruction
- Technology integration
Standards and subject areas
California and common core content standards provide the basis for standards taught across subject areas at GLC. In addition to the core subject areas, GLC teaches Spanish to all grade levels beginning in Kindergarten. 21st century skills and global competency standards are also an important part of what students learn at GLC. 21st Century Skills refer to those enduring skills and attributes that students will need to succeed in a rapidly changing environment and dynamic world.
The following subjects are taught at GLC:
- Mathematics
- English Language Arts (ELA)
- Science
- History-Social Studies (HSS)
- English Language Development (ELD)
- Physical Education
- Music (grades 4 and above)
- Spanish
- 21st-century skills
- Global competency standards
Socio-Emotional Learning
At GLC, we believe that schools prepare students for limitless opportunities by teaching not only core content areas, but also socio-emotional learning (SEL). SEL refers to the knowledge and skills that help manage emotions, achieve goals, feel empathy for others, develop positive relationships, and make responsible decisions. SEL is integrated throughout the school day, from Team Meetings to collaborative activities to problem-solving on the playground. Growth Mindset and PBIS play a significant role in promoting SEL.
- Growth mindset - Our mindset has a profound effect on our achievement, skill acquisition, and success. People with a “fixed” mindset believe that intelligence can’t be changed. Alternatively, people with a “growth” mindset understand that our abilities can be developed through hard work and practice. When they fail, they keep trying, understanding that they’ll get better with practice.
- PBIS - PBIS stands for Positive Behavior Intervention and Support. It is a framework for supporting and teaching positive behaviors at school. Our PBIS slogan is SHINE: Safe, Honorable, Innovative, Never Give Up, and Empowered. The SHINE slogan summarizes the behaviors we want our students to embody.
A commitment to quality and continuous improvement are hallmarks of GLC. The following areas of focus help define what makes GLC special. They include:
- 21st-century skills - 21st-century skills include core subjects; life and career skills; learning and innovation skills (including critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity); and, information, media, and technology skills.
- Global education - Global competency refers to the attitudes, skills, and knowledge needed to understand and participate in a globally connected world.
- Spanish language - Spanish language begins in kindergarten and is aligned with high school level standards and curriculum.
- Technology integration - Technology tools are used to obtain, analyze, synthesize, and present information.
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