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School Goals

2019 - 2020 School Goals

Each year, our school identifies annual school goals. The school goals always align with the school mission and vision, but may change depending on current areas of need and progress at the school. The school goals are written into our Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA), as well as our Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP). The goals are reviewed with the School Site Council (SSC), which helps to analyze progress towards the goals and revise goals for each new school year.

The school goals for 2018-19 are:

GLC School Goal 1: We will engage students in a challenging curriculum and provide them support to become successful 21st century learners in our global community.

GLC School Goal 2: We will support a district-wide collaborative culture for students and adults focused on learning and results achieved through collaboration and community partnerships.

GLC School Goal 3: We will maintain a caring and encouraging learning environment for students and adults that encourages risk-taking and perseverance.

GLC School Goal 4: We will recruit, hire, and retain highly qualified, talented and productive staff through establishing and supporting a culture of high-expectations and continuous improvement.